PPR 3 | IMO Reports | Annual General Assemblies

IMO Reports

Unity for Safety at Sea


PPR 3 was attended by three IFSMA representatives.

The following Working and Drafting Groups were established:

• WG1 – Evaluation of safety and pollution hazards of chemicals (ESPH);
• WG2 – The OSV Chemical Code;
• WG3 – Prevention of air pollution from ships;
• DG1 – Production of a manual entitled, ‘Ballast Water Management – How to do it”;
• DG2 – OPRC related manuals guidelines and guidance.

The IMO Secretary General, Kitack Lim, welcomed delegates to the meeting and in his opening address said:

“I am very pleased to welcome you all to the third session of the Sub Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response. As you are aware this is the first session of PPR during my tenure as Secretary-General, and I am determined to build on the good work of my predecessors and I know I can count on the support of the IMO family as we work toward our shared objectives. I am very fortunate to be supported by the very competent staff of the Secretariat, and in terms of PPR my special recognition goes in advance to the Director of the Marine Environment Division and his staff for all their good work in preparing for this meeting.”

The full text of his address may be found here: http://tinyurl.com/jlkr8xm

Agenda Item 1 – Adoption of the Agenda –

No substantive comment

Agenda Item 2 – Decisions of other IMO bodies –

The Sub-Committee noted the outcomes of MEPC 68, MSC 95, SDC 2, SSE 2 and CCC 2 relevant to its work.

Agenda Item 3 – Safety and pollution hazards of chemicals and preparation of consequential amendments to the IBC Code –

Documents PPR 3/3, PPR 3/3/2, PPR 3/3/4, PPR 3/INF.3 and Corr.1 were referred directly to the Working Group 1.

Agenda Item 4 – Review of MARPOL Annex II requirements that have an impact on cargo residues and tank washings of high viscosity and persistent floating products – Paper PPR 3/4 submitted by Norway –

There was considerable discussion on floaters being e=washed up on beaches – the UK say these should be stopped washing up anywhere. Cook Islands 60m Tonnes are produced and restrictions will have a wide ranging effect on many countries products. High viscous products pumped overboard (tank washing) will inevitably solidify. Reception facilities or cleaning facilities are required.

Agenda Item 5 – Code for the transport and handling of limited amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in the bulk on offshore support vessels –

Attention is drawn to Papers PPR 3/5/1 and PPR 3/INF.2 the report of the Correspondence Group – No substantive comment to make.

Agenda Item 6 – Revised Guidance on ballast water sampling and analysis –

There are two Papers PPR 3/6 and 3/6/Corr1 submitted by the Republic of Korea – while technical in nature the general issue of ‘sampling’ is important given the potential for criminalisation of shipmaster. The Sub-Committee reiterated its invitation to Member Governments and international organizations to submit further information and proposals to future sessions.

Agenda Item 7 – Production of a manual entitled “Ballast Water Management – How to do” –

One Paper PPR 3/7 submitted by IMarEST while functionally correct, falls short with respect to the potential for criminalisation of shipmasters and other officers. The following intervention was made:

“Thank you Chair. IFSMA representing shipmasters welcomes this work undertaken by IMarEST and commends this work, but is disappointed that no reference is made to the possible unwarranted criminalisation of Master and officers. Thank you Chair”

Agenda Item 8 - Consideration of the impact on the Arctic of emissions of Black Carbon from international shipping –

Six Papers were submitted on this issue and generally generate considerable discussion. Finland noted that 10x Black Carbon emitted in 4 stroke medium speed engines as compared to 2 stroke slow speed engines. The Working Group considered it was important to gain more experience with Black Carbon measurement in order to develop the protocol further and encouraged the use of the measurement reporting protocol and cooperation amongst those carrying out the voluntary measurement studies.

Agenda Item 9 – Development of standards for shipboard gasification waste to energy systems and associated amendments to regulation 16 of MARPOL Annex VI –

No Papers submitted. A correspondence group will continue this work, it is targeted for completion in 2017.

Agenda Item 10 – Amendments to bunker delivery note to permit the supply of fuel oil not in compliance with regulation 14 of MARPOL ANNEX VI –

This is an administrative change submitted by the EU in Paper PPR 3/10 that permits oil to be delivered in excess of the sulphur limits where on-board equipment is installed to mitigate the excess. The Working Group completed this task and produced draft amendments to Appendix V of MARPOL Annex VI.

Agenda Item 11 – Guidelines for on-board sampling and verification of the sulphur –

There was considerable discussion on where the sampling point should be located, with many objecting to it being place din a potential high fire risk area. It was noted that the task just sampling and not verification. Also raised was who bares the costs of testing the samples. Norway noted that it was tempting for vessels not to change from Heavy Oil to Diesel Oil when entering emission control areas, therefore no point in sampling oil. Liberia added that it was, better for suppliers to verify rather than ships. Draft guidelines were produced.

Agenda Item 12 – Guidelines for the discharge of exhaust gas recirculation bleed-off water –

The Working Group was unable to complete this task and recommended that it be continued intersessionally with a view for completion at PPR 4.

Agenda Item 13 – Improved and new technologies approved for ballast water management systems and reduction of atmospheric pollution –

Subject to be taken up again at PPR 4.

Agenda Item 14 – Revised section II of the Manual on oil pollution contingency planning –

The OPRC Drafting Group continued this work, they amended the draft manual by including further references to Health and Safety and the importance of record-keeping. The manual will now be submitted to MEPC for approval.

Agenda Item 15 – Guide on oil spill response in ice and snow –

Paper PPR 3/15 submitted by Norway with Guide included is a large document with considerable detail. The following intervention as made:

"Thank you Chair. IFSMA representing shipmasters welcomes this Paper and attached guidance document submitted by Norway. It is both a work of reference and informative in responding to oil spills in ice and snow conditions. Once again thanks to Canada and Norway. Thank you Chair."

The OPRC Drafting Group incorporated a number of amendments into the manual and the manual will now be submitted to MEPC for approval.

Agenda Item 16 – Update IMO Dispersant Guidelines (Part IV) –

Work had been progressed and will continue. A report submitted to PPR 4.

Agenda Item 17 – Updated OPRC Model training courses –

Significant progress made since PPR 2. The OPRC Drafting Group considered the training courses, but was unable to complete the work. IFSMA offered to provide assistance with the review of the model courses.

Agenda Item 18 – Unified Interpretation to provisions of IMO environment-related Conventions –

Several UIs were considered, some were agreed, others need adjustment. OCIMF suggested that transfer subsea hoses should be left full of seawater between operations, to avoid oil spillage from many sources including sword fish being stuck in hose wall. Such oil spillages were not generated by tankers. INTERTANKO suggest OCIMF work with them to find a solution and bring to MEPC and possibly to PPR4.

Agenda Item 19 – Biennial agenda and provisional agenda for PPR4 –

Agenda agreed.

Agenda Item 20 – Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2017.

Present Chair and Vice Chair re-elected

Agenda Item 21 – Any Other Business -

No papers submitted or subjects raised.