IFSMA 26th Annual General Assembly

19th - 20th May 2000, London.

Press Release - 20 May 2000

MSC 72

Agenda Item 17

IFSMA Assembly Resolution

Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships

THE 26TH IFSMA ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Meeting in London on 19th - 20th May 2000,

NOTING WITH GRAVE CONCERN that acts of Piracy and Lawlessness are numerous and increasing in many parts of the World with considerable loss of life and property,

WELCOMES THE INITIATIVE taken by Japan and other Nations of South East Asia in unanimously adopting the "Asia Anti-Piracy Challenges 2000" and the "Model Action Plan" based upon the "Tokyo Appeal" a their regional conferences held in Tokyo during March and April this year, and further welcomes the useful work done by the Piracy Reporting Centres in the Region,

OBSERVES that similar problems exist in many other parts of the World where similar measures, including the introduction of similar Piracy Reporting Centres, would be doubly welcomed,

RECOGNISES that more robust measures are needed to achieve a significant reduction in Piracy and Lawlessness directed at Merchant Shipping and their crews, and therefore,

FEARING that if no effective International Action is taken Individual Ships and Shipowners will take their own steps to defend themselves, thereby escalating confrontations and increasing the likelihood of casualties,

URGES Parties to IMO to take effective steps to:

  1. ACHIEVE active patrolling and policing of Territorial and Coastal waters by the Coastal States,

  2. INTRODUCE secure sealanes patrolled by the Naval Forces of those Nations possessing the resources needed to provide this assistance,

  3. CONFIRM that a Legal System exists at National or International level for bringing Pirates, once apprehended, to justice,

  4. DEVELOP and install aboard ships electronic warning devices (burglar alarms) to give early warning at a Remote Centre when an incident occurs,

  5. DISCOURAGE members of ship's companies from taking active steps to oppose pirates, and

  6. MINIMISE opportunities for unauthorised persons, who may commit acts of theft or armed robbery, stow away or conceal items onboard, from gaining unlawful access to ships in port.

